Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sweet potato & spinach egg casserole

Tonight's dinner was a hurry and throw together meal. After church, Jaedyn & I took a nap since for some reason I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't fall back asleep. Dave was still at church as this was his week to lead worship. My original plan was to do some much needed cleaning while Jaedyn was napping as well as get things pulled out & prepped for dinner. Well my short 15 minute nap that I planned, turned into 45. Oops! Guess I needed the extra few zzz's. However, this left me with no time to clean the house as well as prep for dinner because it was lunch time - meaning feed baby, feed myself, and then feed baby her solids. I was in a hurry because I was headed straight for the gym once Dave got home. I really needed to do some cross training and stretching after running 3 races at a fast pace in less then 24 hours. I was limited on time too because I needed to go watch Dave swim up at Pineview before he and my brother went mountain biking. Needless to say, my afternoon was shot and knew that I'd have about an hour and a half to think of what to make for dinner & then to make it. Since it was Sunday and we love having breakfast for dinner, I decided I search for an easy egg casserole. We haven't had eggs in awhile and knew that there are some pretty easy casserole dishes out there to make. Somehow I stumbled upon this website for a sweet potato & spinach casserole. I was hoping to make something that used sweet potatoes because i was craving them - i love sweet potatoes as much as Jaedyn does, ha! I also picked this recipe because I had all the ingredients - thats always a plus when you are pressed for time. As i was looking in my fridge i saw some other things I wanted to get rid of/needed to use up so I let my experimenting begin :) I was really pleased with how it turned out. Dave loved it except he said the mushrooms threw it off a little. I actually thought the mushrooms added something to it, so if you make it, you can decide what you want to do. I love mushrooms, so maybe start without them and then you can decide for yourself what you want to do. 
- 10-12 eggs, beaten (I only had 4 eggs and then had a partially used egg white carton) 
- approx 1/4 C almond milk (I didn't have enough egg liquid to cover everything so I added almond milk - you don't have to do this but can't vouch for how it'll taste without it)
- 2 medium sweet potatoes, chopped
- 2 cups+ spinach
- 1 large sweet onion, sliced & chopped
- 1 bell pepper (I had an orange one)
- 6 oz sliced mushrooms 
- 2 cloves garlic minced
- 1 Tbsp. coconut oil
- Salt, pepper, & garlic powder, red pepper flake 

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees
2. Heat coconut oil over medium heat
3. Add onions & garlic and cook down for about 7-10 minutes until soft
4. Add sweet potatoes, pepper, mushrooms, salt, pepper, and garlic powder, and cook another 10 min
5. When sweet potatoes are soft, add spinach and cook another 1-3 minutes until spinach wilts softly
6. Grease pan with coconut oil, and add veggie mixture
7. Pour egg whites (or beaten eggs & almond milk) on top of the mixture, and bake for 30 minutes or until set
8. Let it sit for about 5 minutes before serving. 
9. Enjoy! 
Before baking
The yummy results!! 

Recipe is from

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